Meeting Notice

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EHT Tercentennial
1964 Plate Set

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New Home for Old Organization

Egg Harbor Township - A new home has breathed fresh life into the Greate Egg Harbour Township Historical Society. Located on West Jersey Avenue and centrally located, it will become the repository for Egg Harbor Township artifacts and history.

The property was recently purchased by the township to provide access to the large tract of land to the rear, now owned by the EHT School Board. They realized that the Historical Society would be good caretakers of the buildings and put them to good use.

Click here to see larger photo
Society members get tour of facilities from Dale Goodreau, Deputy Township Administrator, standing on the right.

Members of the society were thrilled that they now have a location for the boxes of artifacts and important papers that are now in storage. Plans call for organizing them and placing the information on display and to make them available to the public.

"Egg Harbor Township's history goes back 300 years," said June Sheridan, EHT's Historian. "There is so much information that it will take several years to organize it all. We're looking forward to the challenge."

Shortly there will be regular meetings and anyone interested in Egg Harbor Township history is welcome to attend, and hopefully join. If you would like to become a member of the society, please contact them below.

Email June Sheridan for additional information, or to join.

This web site,, will post meeting dates and times, so please check back. If you have any historical photos or information you would like to share, please contact

Email John Dilks, webmaster we are always looking for photos.