November 6, 1915, Vol 1, No. 4
Radio News
from Electrieitats Zeitung-March
The famous German Physicist,
Von Nelmholtz. states that he reason certain musical intervals are not
agreeable to the trained ear is because the difference between the frequencies
of the constituent fundimental tones or the harmonies present in them give
rise to beats approximately of 30 or 40 per sec. - J.
A little bird tells it that
"CS" will in the near future erect his station on the top of
the Champion Apartments.
Soon the cannon of Dunbatk will
be silenced by the crash of the new 1 K. W. station to be erected by "3sq"
at his home on Congress Avenue. The set was tried out at '3IF" and
it proved to be a wonder. Lend an ear for it in the near future and get
a treat.
Some one ask Samaha if he ever
heard the "UFK".
Licensed Stations of Atlantic City
-Cook, Nowell E.
Seaside House, 200 watt
-Doughty, Roland D.
43 S. Congress Ave. I KW.
-Gleisner, Francis,
124 Folsom Ave. 50 watt.
-Godfrey, Earle,
145 St Charles Place, 1/4 KW
-Haas, Jerome,
2011 Atlantic Ave., 451 watt.
-Moore, James P.
123 South Mass. Ave. 56 watt.
-Sherve, Aaron, Y.
34 S. New York Ave., 20 watt.
-Stritzel, Alfred H.
12 S. North Carlina Ave..
To: E. Godfrey,
145 St Charles Place, Atlantic
City, N. J..
Dear Sir;
Well remember having heard your
call quite some time ago and am surprised to learn that it was from Atlantic
City instead of Phila as I thought at first. Your Signals seemed to me
to be just as strong as any from our ships within twenty miles and the
tone of your rotary was simular to theirs. Since our mast broke down I
have not heard you, whether because our receiving range was reduced or
because you have shortened your wave length. With best etc-
Yours Very Truely,
E. Hennera(y)
The above was in answer
to a letter sent to the Mgr, of "WCY" by "3IF" following
"QRT"s from “WCY" on three occassions.
The following letter is a copy
of that sent to the Radio Inspector Mr Cadmus, at Baltimore, Md.
This is entered because of possible
interest that may be entertained by those who operate beyond the city limits.
P. S.
Since writing this letter, I
am in receipt of a letter from the mgr. of the "WCY" station,
a copy of which I am attaching hereto. From it, it appears that he knows
nothing about the matter, so it must be a little sore-headedness on the
part of one of the operators or a very successful "impractical"
joke. I might have faith in the latter were it not for the boats talking
to him immediately thereafter.
I am giving this and the above
only in the case of future developements and would advise no further steps
at present.
"FS" has a one wire
aereal now. It starts at his house, but the writer bein~ cramped for time
was unable to keep up the hunt for the far end, having at that time walked
a possible 3 ml.
The Station of the Albertson
& Young Company, has again been stepped up to a higher plane of efficiency
by the erection of a 40 foot mast over their store. The aereal is composed
of two wires and runs for a distance of 275 feet.
Very good results are now being
obtained and to all ambitious amateurs this should be an example to follow.
Perhaps it is needless to suggest
to the many experimentors that Atlantic City is well provided with electrical
supply houses and agents for nearly all branches of radio apparatus.
What are we to deduct from this
then ?
Nothing more than to maintain
the present and complete supply and agencies, it is necessary for those
in the field to patronize the home stores and agencies. If you can’t get
here in the City what you desire, why is it? Any fool should know.
If every time you need an artleal
or an instrument, you send off to New York or Philadelphia, you are
taking just that much out of the hands of your home dealer, and making
it just that much harder, and approaching the goal impossibility for your
home merchant or agent to keep up his line of goods.
If you buy at home then your patronage will be looked after and an effort to supply and please will be made. But if the home interests are never looked forward to in making purchases soon all these now available home resources will be shelved.
Get domesticated then the now foreign products will come to You, and your domestic agencies will prosper, not only for a personal gain, but to your convenience.
If you want to get a beautiful
tone on your rotary, smear some soap on the studs, this will last about
ten minutes. This is not a joke but a fact that has been successfully
tried out in several Philadelphia stations.
in Atlantic City. This does not look as if it would come about now after
reading the letter printed on the first page of this issue.
Therein it makes mention of when "our new mast is completed". This particular part is not reproduced, yet it looks as if we are to have the town to our selves for a while at least.
Appears upon the next page.
It is very interesting and should not be over looked.
Little Bird #2 says Cramer is
experimenting on a heavy idea. Just the nature of the affair is not known.
Perhaps it is an other Krupp model and maybe nicht.
"3RQ" is now able
to put a heavy jar in the ether. He has equipted his station with a so-called
one-half K. W. set. Being a German we think he is making preparations to
do transatlantic work.
On November, first, he was heard
by "3SQ" talking to a station which gave a test under the name
of "Der Grosse Telefunke". The wave length is about 200 meters.
We present herewith some oeoples
perfectly instictive ideas of etheral waves, to wit;
are at it now. Every time "3if"
transmits, "WGT" gives him "QRT", yet he writes a letter
ands says that he has not heard “3if” for some time.
"3IF" meeting
The wireless Association will
be entertained at "3IF" on November the 19th..
Press is mow being sent
by "3IF" to club members. Less than five words a minute at the
present time are being sent. The speed of the last paragraphs is increased.
The time chosen for press is
7.30 in the evening.
Owing to complications, however between "WCY" and "3IF", press has been omitted the last several evenings, but it is hoped to continue the press about Wednesday of next week.
A 60 cycle spark will be used instead of the rotary. If press helps you to learn to receive, then be a regular customer and O. K. it every time you can take the time off to copy it. This is the only way to insure the press for the future.
If you want to increase your signals come in and hear the Multi Audi Fone.
It is not necessary to advertise
it; it speaks for itself.
St Charles Place
"FS" swears someone is designing on his life. The other evening he oame near being electricuted. His aereal gave off a wierd hissing sound, and when the aforesaid gentleman took hold of the offending wire, he received a propper warning in the form of a shock. Atmospherioal disturbance very likely. His aereal is galvanized iron.
A place To bring your instruments
you have for sale or that you wish to exchange.
Instruments held with out
extra cost until a sale or withdrawal.
This is a new idea and
offers you a chance to make the best of things you no longer have
use for, yet the other fellow may be looking for that very same thing.
for one instrument only.
1. Exchange-
$.10 each party.
2. 10% on all sales brought
about thru the EXCHANGE.
Bring in your articals now and
put them on display
Come in and look through our
St Charles Place
"What's it do?" "Hears
Colon". "Any thing else?” "Yes, Glace Bay",
"Hum, Transmit?” "Sure,
worries "KOB". "That all?” "Breaks up "WCY".
“Very good, that’s more than
my straightaway does.”
$1,000,000 Pier
145 St Charles Place
609 G