Apollo 11 Mission
On July 20, 1969 while we were glued to our TV sets, Jack
Yanosov and his co-workers at RCA in Camden, NJ, were monitoring
the NASA circuits to see if all of their radios and electronics
were working properly. The excitement rose at 02:51:16 UTC,
when the hatch was opened and the 'actual' first words transmitted
from Neil Armstrong's backpack radio were, "OK Houston,
I'm on the porch." And a few seconds later at 02:56:15
UTC, as his feet reached the surface, Armstrong said those
memorable words, "That's one small step for man, one
giant leap for mankind." And a cheer went up in Camden,
and around the world.
Those words, "One small step," were sent by via
VHF radio using Amplitude Modulation with a radio that was
designed by a ham.