Recently I was asked to give a 15 minute talk about the Tuckerton Wireless station by a neighbor who holds officer positions in several historical organizations around New Jersey. Her meeting was being held on a Saturday at the Tuckerton Seaport, once known as the Barnegat Bay Decoy and Baymen’s Museum. The Tuckerton Seaport has evolved into a maritime village located along historic Tuckerton Creek in Tuckerton, New Jersey, about 15 miles north of Atlantic City. Since it is nearby, I said okay.
My thanks for the information gathered goes to Bruce Kelley, W2ICE, and Ed Raser, W2ZI, who planned their visit to the Tuckerton Wireless station for some time. They arranged to meet up with Dan Flomerfelt, W2BFV, who was the former Supervisor in Charge of the station for a personal tour. Dan worked there over 31 years and was the last employee of record. On May 13, 1955 Kelley brought his trusty camera and took many photos of the station.
Thorn L. Mayes, W6AX, a great radio historian thoroughly researched this station and wrote a fabulous book, which I recommend. Many of the facts I used came from his notes and book: Wireless Communication in the United States, The Early Development of American Radio Operating Companies .
This book is available from The New England Wireless and Steam Museum Inc, 697 Tillinghast Rd, East Greenwich, RI 02818, .
Huge Anchor about 1920.