Brochure Courtesy of Ed Davis. Edited for the WWWeb by John Dilks, K2TQN.

    RADIO STATION W P G Atlantic City, N. J.

               OPERATED BY  Columbia  BROADCAST SYSTEM

WPG has been in operation since 1923 and has modern equipment, consisting of a 5000-watt transmitter, Western Electric piezo crystal control, l00% modulation; operating on one of the cleared national channels of the first zone on a frequency of 1100 kilocycles.

WPG is unique in radio. Atlantic City at all times is in public eye. Approximately, fifteen million visitors come to the resort in a year. They are all interested in Atlantic City and it's happenings when in their homes wherever that may be. Atlantic City is an all year round resort.

WPG, due to its location on the Atlantic Seaboard, has overspill service area from Maine to Florida, daytime or night. During the winter months, when radio is at its best, we are especially strong into all of New England. and in several popularity contests for radio stations, we have finished among the first few.

Our studios are located in Atlantic City's new $15,000,000 Convention Hall and Auditorium, located directly on the Boardwalk.

       WPG has two large studios - Neptune and Marine.
         Below is Shown Neptune, Beautifully Decorated in Gold and Rose

During the past year two million and a half visitors have been in the Convention Hall and Auditorium; our studios are one of the points of attractions and this direct contact with the public visualizes for the listener on his return home "WPG," and means considerable more than merely a program coming from his loud-speaker. From May 31st, 1929, to June 1st, 1930, slightly over two hundred thousand visitors passed through our reception room and studios personally conducted by guides. This is especially valuable to your clients.

       Spanish Patio Effect of the Recption Room of WPG
WPG covers the normal range of a 5000-watt station, which in this instance is all South Jersey, Delaware and a great portion of upper Maryland. In addition as stated above, to our so-called overspill, which is the entire Atlantic Seaboard, I venture to say our listening audience in many places on the Atlantic Seacoast is considerably greater than that of small-power local stations.

Atlantic City's population is about seventy thousand permanent residents; with a hundred and twenty thousand within the city's trading area. Many days during the season three hundred and fifty to four hundred thousand visitors are in the resort. There are no tenements.

WPG Studios, Offices and Control Room - Located in the Atlantic City Auditorium and Convention Hall, Directly on the Boardwalk

The city has approximately 1200 hotels and boarding houses and nearly all are equipped with radio receivers. These visitors are in the hotel lobbies during many hours of the day and naturally tune to the only local station WPG.

There are nineteen national banks and trust companies in the city, and approximate fifteen thousand passenger cars, a large proportion for a population such as ours. These are prospective buyers and many of your clients with national distribution can certain secure return in putting this station on your list.

        Main Control Room Showing Speech In-Put Apparatus of WPG
National advertisers spend a vast sum yearly on electrical signs and for billboard display on the Boardwalk. By means of WPG this Atlantic City contact and good-will can be brought to countless thousands daily, who do not see the other type of advertising.

Our station rates you will find listed in the Standard Rate and Data, and for chain broadcast listing under the head of Columbia Broadcasting System.

Inquiries invited through the Columbia Broadcasting System, 485 Madison Avenue New York, or direct with WPG, Atlantic City.

            EDWIN M. SPENCE,
Vice-President and General Manager,
WPG Broadcasting Corporation.